The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, December 23, 1920
Instead Bethlehem Steel Eleven Will Play Pick of Bethlehem District League

The Bethlehem Steel-Disston National League soccer game scheduled for the Bethlehem Steel Athletic Field on Christmas Day afternoon was called off this morning according to advices received from Manager Sheridan. However, there will be a game in which Bethlehem Steel will meet the pick of the Bethlehem & District Soccer League.

Action in calling off the game was taken when Manager Sheridan was informed that Disston would probably come here with a patched-up lineup and rather than disappoint the fans with a poor game it was decided to cancel. The Disston management explained that most of the players wanted to return home or remain home on Christmas Day and that it was doubtful if a full team could be mustered.

The game with the pick of the Bethlehem & District League will probably prove an interesting entertainment. The men to be selected for the picked team will be chosen by J. Harry Carpenter, secretary of the organization, who is familiar with the merits of the minor leaguers and also a close follower of the Steel team.

The Bethlehem club has several players on their sidelines who have not yet been given an opportunity to display their ability and this game will afford an excellent opportunity. It is understood that at least three of the men signed with the Steel Workers will appear in the picked lineup.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club