The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 27, 1920
Losers Play Hard Game But are Out-Classed by More Experienced Men

In an exhibition game on Bethlehem Steel field on Saturday between the Bethlehem & District All-Stars and Bethlehem Steel F. C., the latter were victorious by the score of five goals to none. The All-Stars tried hard at all times and occasionally displayed clever football, but on a whole they were outclassed by their more experienced opponents. For the All-Stars, P. Stewart, Sheldon and Lance were the most prominent. For the Steel Workers, Fletcher was prominent at right fullback and it looks as if he has recovered his old time form. Murphy was another Bethlehem player who showed up well, his crossing of the ball being one of the features of the game. Bethlehem was aggressive from the first whistle and carried the ball into the All-Stars' territory, and Kerr was early called upon to save from Brittan. After ten minutes play, Forrest opened the scoring with a fast low drive from twenty yards range, and after the kick off they continued to attack and the second goal was registered when Forrest shot hard for goal from 12 yards range. Kerr saved cleverly, but Murphy dashed in and drove the ball into the net with the goalkeeper on the ground. The score at the end of the first half was Bethlehem 2, All-Stars 0.

In the second half the All-Stars make a desperate attempt to at least score on the Steel Workers, and several clever moves were started from the right wing, but the Bethlehem defense was too strong and Duncan had little to do in goal. Three more goals were added to the Steel Workers total, Brittan scoring on a cross from Murphy, and Satterwaite adding two more as a result of clever combination of the line. For the remainder of the game the Bethlehem Steel team contented themselves with a display of clever football, and the perfect control of the ball shown by the forward line was greatly admired by the fans. The lineup:

B & D All-Stars -- Bethlehem Steel
Kerr -- G -- Duncan
Trotter -- RFB -- Fletcher
Ungerer -- LFB -- Wilson
Dixon -- RHB -- Bethune
R. Stewart -- CHB -- Murray
P. Stewart -- LHB -- W. Morrison
Galbraith -- OR -- Murphy
Sheldon -- IR -- Setterwaite
Ramford -- CF -- Brittan
Lance -- IL -- Forrest
Mayer -- OL -- Easton
Goals: Murphy, Satterwaite 2, Brittan, Forrest. Linesmen: W. Furry and R. Morrison. Referee: J. H. Carpenter. Time of halves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club