The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, December 27, 1922
Will be First Visit to New Addition to American Soccer League

by Sita Dell
Brooklyn F. C. will visit Bethlehem on Saturday next for an American League game against Bethlehem Steel F. C. at Bethlehem Steel field. This will be the first visit of the new members of the League to Bethlehem and judging by the display they made against New York on Monday the locals are in for a great fight for the points. New York defeated them by the score of three goals to two. Fall River are the league leaders at present with 26 points in eleven games. Pawtucket second with 23 for 9 games and Bethlehem third with 12 for 9 games.

There will be several changes in the Bethlehem lineup on Saturday a new player J. McCourt a former Scottish leaguer will be seen in the forward line and Cox and McFarlane will be given another opportunity in the half back line. Jimmy Easton will probably be seen in the center forward position where he gave a clever display against Paterson on the 16th.

Fall River defeated Harrison last Sunday in a league game at Fall River by the score of five goals to two. Sam Fletcher the former Bethlehem full back now playing for Harrison and Alex Lorimer the Fall River left back were ordered off the field by Referee Lambie of Boston in the opening stages of the game for fighting. Lorimer has gained an unenviable reputation for unnecessary aggressiveness and will receive little sympathy in the circuit. Both will probably be suspended by the League management. Fletcher is the main bulwark of the Harrison defense and his club will miss his services much more than Fall River will miss Lorimer's. Paterson F. C were spectators at the New York vs. Bethlehem game at New York last Sunday and most of the players expressed confidence in their ability to negotiate the New York hurdle in the championship race. It will be a great game and the winner should just about land the cup.


Whitey Fleming still retains the cunning in that left foot of his that made him the most feared player in the game for many years while sporting the colors of the old Bethlehem machine. He is still getting goals and as long as he can locate the net he will always be in demand.


Harold Brittan shows signs of returning to the form that made him the best center forward in this country for two years. He suffered a painful injury in the opening game of the season that detracted from his effectiveness. His two goals against Harrison would seem to indicate that he is now on the road for the ace high job on the league scoring table. McKenna, of Paterson is showing the way at present.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club