The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Friday, December 31, 1920
Field in Shape for American Cup Fourth Round Match Here Tomorrow

Everything is in readiness for the big game tomorrow on Bethlehem Steel Field between Robins Dry Dock F. C. and Bethlehem Steel and only an exceptional change in the weather would prevent the game from being played. The snow and ice have been removed from the field and Mr. Carpenter, the official inspector, pronounced it fit for play. A big delegation of fans will accompany the Robins and everything points to a record crowd. Both teams have trained faithfully for the game and there is little likelihood of either gaining advantage in the matter of condition. The Robins will rely on the same team that defeated the Eries in the National Cup and the Steel Workers will be represented by eleven players who have the confidence of the management and the fans. George Young, of Philadelphia, will referee and his selection meets with the approval of both teams. Mr. Young was the arbiter in the two games between the Robins and Eries and his work was of a high order in both games. The teams will line up as follows:

Robins – Bethlehem
Renzulli – G – Duncan
Page – RFB – Wilson
Brownlie – LFB – Ferguson
Beardsworth – RHB – Bethune
Clark – CHB – Campbell
Sundberg – LHB – Morrison
McKelvey – OR – Murphy
McGuire – IR – Satterwaite
Ratican – CF – Brittan
Holse – IL – Forrest
Sweeney – OL – Fleming


If neither team is in the lead at the end of the regular ninety minutes play, two extra periods of 15 minutes each will be played and if they are still tied the game will be replayed on the Robins' ground.

Renzulli, the Robins' goalkeeper, gave one of the finest exhibitions of goalkeeping ever seen in this country when he held the Eries off in the National Cup game at Harrison Field Dec. 19.

Good judges believe that the result of tomorrow's game will depend on which halfback line cracks first and local fans feel confident that the Steel Workers' intermediate line has the edge. However, any inclination to underestimate the ability of the Robins may lead to disaster. Such old warriors as Beardsworth and Clark are always scheming for some subtle move and they will require constant attention.

Once more the two pivotal giants of American soccer will meet on the same field and both of them will be opposed by two most successful center forwards in the country. Jimmy Campbell will have the gentle task of subduing the Robins' ace Harry Ratican; and Neil Clark will have little time to brush back his hair with Harold Brittan hovering around.

J. H. Carpenter and Horace Williams will act in the capacity of linesmen.

The winner of tomorrow's game should just about win the Cup and the majority of fans in the East believe that both are capable of going through the two games that will remain for the winner.

No more cup contests will be seen on the local field this season no matter what the result of the game tomorrow. The winner will be semi-finalist and the semi-final game must be played on neutral grounds.

McGuire, the Robins' elusive inside right will take a lot of watching and Billy Morrison will do well to shadow him from the start. The majority of the attacks by the Robins' vanguard are initiated by him and the slightest let up may lead to disaster.

The Steel Workers expect Jimmy Murphy's speed to be an important factor in the great battle. Jimmy is faster than Brownie the Robins' left back and if he crosses the ball at every opportunity to Brittan & Co. will do the rest.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club