The Globe-Times – Bethlehem
Friday, December 31, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Cheering News for Soccer Fans
The stage is all set for the big classic on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field tomorrow afternoon when the Steel Workers meet the crack Robins Dry Docks eleven in the fourth round American Cup competition. Assurance was given yesterday by the management of the local team that the game would surely be played and all doubt that existed was cleared up last night at a special meeting of the National Challenge Cup Committee of the United States Football Association, held at the Astor Hotel, New York City, with Lieut. Col. G. Randolph Manning presiding. The protest of the Erie Athletic Association, in the matter of the game lost to Robins Dry Docks in the fourth round of last Sunday was taken up in connection with the report of George Young, of Philadelphia, the referee, who was not present. Of the several points made by the Eries in their argument only one, that of encroachment on the part of the spectators, was considered vital by the committee and this, unfortunately, had not been referred to at all in the referee's report. Instead, the testimony of the two neutral linesmen, J. E. Schofield and Robert MacMahon, was taken. This was to the effect that the lines on which they were supposed to travel were not at all times clear of onlookers. The committee then voted that the reports of the linesmen be reduced to writing and submitted to the referee for further action at a later meeting. Douglas Stewart, of Philadelphia, vice president of the United States Football Association, was appointed a committee of one to confer with the referee. William S. Brown represented the Erie A. A. and Frederick Smith appeared for Robins Dry Dock. Pairings for the four games of the fifth round of the annual cup competition of the association were made at the meeting. There were four teams each in the Eastern and Western Divisions and they will meet on or before Feb. 27.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club